1. Membership: $20/horse $20/rider Horse and rider must both be members to be
eligible for year end awards. Membership not required to show.
2. Jackpot Hunter Division: $55
3. Regular Division: $50
4. Class: $20
5. Luna Blu Jackpot Derby/Equitation Challenges: $30
6. Stall fee: $35 Pay directly to hosting farm.
7. Open check may be left with show secretary. $35 return check fee.
8. Checks payable to Luna Blu Equestrian.
9. Online entries must be received no later than 11:59pm Thursday before the show.
10. Jackpot Hunter Divisions: Must have a minimum of six entries for jackpot money
to be awarded. Course B will be considered the jackpot class in the division. Riders
must compete in entire division to compete in the jackpot round.
The winnings are:
1 st -$20, 2 nd -$15, 3 rd -$10, 4 th -$5
11. Buckaroo Riders: Ages 12 and under.
12. Junior Riders: 17 years of age and under and those who do not reach the age of 18
until the 31 st of December of the show year.
13. Adult Riders: 18 years of age and over.
14. Hard hats must be worn while mounted.
15. Judge’s decision is final.
16. Current Negative Coggins must be left with show secretary.
17. No dogs permitted on showgrounds.
18. Six ribbons will be awarded in each class with Champion and Reserve Champion
ribbons awarded in each division.
19. Hunter/pleasure/conformation points are awarded to the horse. End of the year
awards will be awarded to the horse.
20. Equitation/leadline/showmanship points are awarded to the rider. End of the year
awards will be awarded to the rider.
21. To be eligible for year end awards, participation is required at a minimum of three
22. Management reserves the right to interpret all questions and conditions in regards
to or arising out of an incident at the show without claims for damages or recourse
of any kind. All questions not covered in these rules and regulations shall be decided
by Management, and their decision is final. Management reserves the right to cancel
or combine classes or to reschedule classes. Discourtesy to an official by any
spectator, rider, trainer, or groom will disqualify the horse or horses with which they
are associated, and all fees will be forfeited.
23. Condition of Entry: Participants accept the inherent risks of equine activities.
Every horse entered for competition will be under the control of Show Management
but Management will in no case be responsible for any loss or damage that may
occur, and it shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Show, the
Management, and the Facility harmless for any loss or accident to his or her horse,
horses, or equipment which may occur from sickness, fire, or otherwise.
1. Membership: No membership required. No points accrued for this series.
2. Regular Division: $40
3. Luna Blu Hunter Prix: $25
4. Stall fee: $35 Pay directly to hosting farm.
5. Open check may be left with show secretary. $35 return check fee.
6. Checks payable to Luna Blu Equestrian.
7. Online entries must be received no later than 11:59pm Thursday before the show.
8. Buckaroo Riders: Ages 12 and under.
9. Junior Riders: 17 years of age and under and those who do not reach the age of 18 until the 31st of December of the show year.
10. Adult Riders: 18 years of age and over.
11. For all over fences divisions, the under saddle class will run first.
12. Hard hats must be worn while mounted.
13. Judge’s decision is final.
14. Current Negative Coggins must be left with show secretary.
15. No dogs permitted on showgrounds.
16. Six ribbons will be awarded in each class with Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons awarded in each division.
17. Luna Blu Hunter Prix: Course will consist of 10-15 jumps. First half will be judged classic, second half will be timed and judged handy. Fence height 2’ or 2’6. Open to all riders. Winner takes all.
18. Management reserves the right to interpret all questions and conditions in regards to or arising out of an incident at the show without claims for damages or recourse of any kind. All questions not covered in these rules and regulations shall be decided by Management, and their decision is final. Management reserves the right to cancel or combine classes or to reschedule classes. Discourtesy to an official by any spectator, rider, trainer, or groom will disqualify the horse or horses with which they are associated, and all fees will be forfeited.
19. Condition of Entry: Participants accept the inherent risks of equine activities. Every horse entered for competition will be under the control of Show Management but Management will in no case be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur, and it shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Show, the Management, and the Facility harmless for any loss or accident to his or her horse, horses, or equipment which may occur from sickness, fire, or otherwise
© Copyright Luna Blu Schooling Circuit 2025 | Made with ♥ by Port & Starboard